Planul B

“Anul acesta am avut un an agricol bun. Am avut noroc. A plouat şi apoi a ieşit soarele când a trebuit. Anul viitor nu va mai fi însă aşa. Este limpede că România are nevoie, cât mai rapid, de un alt plan de creştere economică, în care segmentele importante ale economiei să producă o valoare adăugată mai mare”, a explicat fostul ministru de Finanţe, actual oficial FMI, Mihai Tănăsescu ziarului Gândul. Să înțeleg că “anul bun”, norocul, ploaia și soarele au fost un plan bun, dar la anul nu mai ține cu ele. Nasol. Nasol, fiindcă, dăunăzi un alt reprezentant de vârf, de data aceea de la BNR ne explica cum o să depășim criza cu voia și sprijinul lui Dumnezeu. Dacă la acestea se rezumă planurile A, B și ce o mai fi, e jale pe bune. Noroc că suntem un popor vesel. Tare vesel… Și invers.


Coldplay – Mylo Xyloto (2011)

Coldplay featuring Rihanna is not a nightmare or worst case scenario, but it’s actually quite occurred in “Princess of China”, one of the 14 new songs of the fifth studio album by Coldplay, “Mylo Xyloto”. And don’t matter what, after all these years and efforts, Coldplay are still not U2. “Charlie Brown” for instance, taste like U2, but it isn’t. Chris Martin might never reach the charm of Bono, but his struggling and trying.
The previous album, “Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends”, in 2008, established a recording HQ at a disused bakery in Primrose Hill, North London, where they recorded, but Coldplay relocated to a vacant church, also in north London, to work on their new album in collaboration with Brian Eno. “Mylo Xyloto” seems to be a concept album. According to Chris Martin, the album is “based on a love story with a happy ending.”, in which the two protagonists: Mylo and Xyloto, are living in an oppressive, dystopian urban environment, meet one another through a gang called “The Lost Boys”, and fall in love. Lyrically, the album is inspired by “old school American graffiti” and “the White Rose Movement”, and Martin also said that the album was influenced by HBO TV series “The Wire.” Musically, Coldplay have stated that they want this album to be “more acoustic” and “more intimate” than its predecessor. And here we go, we’ve got “Mylo Xyloto”, set for official release on 24 October 2011. Read more Coldplay – Mylo Xyloto (2011)

Scooter – The Big Mash Up (2011)

Kind of unbelievable, but this is the fifteenth studio album from this German hard dance band. From their early “happy hardcore” up to dubstep, Scooter have experimented with several dance genres and sub-genres such as hardstyle and jumpstyle, and moving between hip hop and hard rock, shifting from trance to house smoothly. Ans “The Big Mash Up” is about mashing up all these styles and genres, twisted out the classic euro-disco into dubstep and blend happy hardcore with hard dance into one. The Scooter’s trademark sound combining simple and catchy melodies with fast tempos are all over the new album and most of their melodies eventually sounds familiar. This is quite a mash up. But probably… winning is everything. Read more Scooter – The Big Mash Up (2011)

Tom Waits – Bad As Me (2011)

It’s been seven years since “Real Gone” (2004) and ladies and gentlemen, Tom Waits are back and he’s brutally fresh. “Chicago” is a noisy opening track with garage rock pulse and horn-fueled cabaret rock after-taste and the whole album flows glowing and pumping, it’s like a radiography of Wait’s whole career and his best moments projected into the future. If “alternative” and “avant-garde” rock actually means something, then Tom Waits makes sense. Nowadays nothing means anything and nothing make sense, except commercials and music is nothing, but ultimately additional accessory to our iPods. And this is the world we use to say we’re against, but we’re accept it. Tom Waits said sometimes ago: “Apparently, the highest compliment our culture grants artists nowadays is to be in an ad ideally, naked and purring on the hood of a new car”, and he added: “I have adamantly and repeatedly refused this dubious honor.”
There’s no room for artificial intellectual bullshit, for faking alternatives. If you don’t actually feel it, better… “Get Lost”. 😀 Read more Tom Waits – Bad As Me (2011)

Check Me Out [The DoomJazz Red Bull Unit Mix]

A început votul pentru concursul de remix Red Bull Rhythm and Sound Contest pe Indaba Music, mixul meu poate fi ascultat și votat AICI.
Procedura de votare este destul de anevoioasă, se apasă butonul VOTE apoi se introduce adresa de mail și veți primi un mail de la Indaba care conține un link de confirmare care trebuie – evident – accesat/confirmat ca votul să fie înregistrat. La acest concurs sunt înscrise peste 700 de remixuri, versiunea mea, “Check Me Out [The DoomJazz Red Bull Unit Mix]” este un mix destul de întunecat și încă o dată, în afara trendurilor, dar… asta e.
Dedic mixul baschetbalistului Chauncey Hardy. RIP.

Brazda Lui Novac – Dizzy – lansare de album

Dacă primul album semnat Brazda Lui Novac, lansat anul trecut s-a lăsat așteptat 13 ani de când Victor s-a pus pe treabă, albumul numărul doi, intitulat “Dizzy” vine rapid doar la un an după debut. Despre
12 piese plus un remix, “Dizzy” va fi lansat sub egida casei de discuri Germane Raumklang Music Records și va avea parte de o lansare Joi, 20 Octombrie la Silver Church în București, începând cu ora 21.00, prețul biletului fiind 20 RON.
Programul evenimentului este unul absolut tentant: Read more Brazda Lui Novac – Dizzy – lansare de album

This Year’s Girl – Personal Ghosts (2011)

As much as I hate labels and boxes, genre classification, I had to admit that in a busy world with mainly superficial relations and all things done in the hurry, music became part of our outfit, mainly nothing but a background buzz coming from our iPod (or something) to cover up all the other noises around us and isolate us definitively from the rest of the world. Yeah, you’re gonna say I’m mean and probably you’re right, but still, I’m telling you facts. Music is only an additional part of your iPod and the iPod is just another fancy gadget incorporated in your daily dress code. Music is nothing more than your key ring, it’s one click away on the internet or you can buy it from the supermarket.
With all the internet (and press-kit I received) I didn’t managed to dig out too much about This Year’s Girl and if I’ll tell you this is some kind of pop-rock you’re probably will think of some sort of freak, half Madonna, half god knows what and that, my friends, it’s not quite true, actually it’s pretty far from reality. Eventually This Year’s Girl reminds me of the Americans OK Go and the British The Enemy or a mixture of this two bands and “Personal Ghosts” is an album with excellent vibe and a few extremely catch songs. Read more This Year’s Girl – Personal Ghosts (2011)

De pe o zi pe alta

Acum o săptămână spațiul public a fost ocupat exclusiv de moartea baschetbalistului American Chauncey Hardy și zilele următoare de situația dominantă a clanurilor din România și cumetria evidentă a interlopilor, organelor de ordine, a reprezentanților justiției și puterii locale și nu în ultimul rând a politicienilor. Ieri subiectul a fost spulberat și la propriu și la figurat de accidentul în care a fost implicat Şerban Huidu. Se vorbește despre blestem, despre ghinion, despre starea medicală a lui Huidu, titluri care mai de care ne sunt trântite-n mufă cu intenția evidentă de a ne șoca sau indigna, titluri gen: “A înviat din morţi şi a ucis trei oameni!” (Adevărul). Dincolo de tragedia incontestabilă, Read more De pe o zi pe alta

Trunks – On The Roof (2011)

“Hardfiscurry” is one of the most glowing and exciting record opener track I heard lately. It has an excellent and tensioned groove and something quite hypnotic which keeps you nailed for everything what’s coming up next. “Screaming Idiots” kicks out as a punk rock anthem, but the screaming saxophone reminds me of Morphine and shift the mood from Crass to Last Exit. Trunks is one of the best bands I had the pleasure to listen recently, they are alive and do not fit in into the trendy patterns. And each song is a different path into another universe.
As they say, they are not actually a band in the classic sense, but more a creative collective building music and gathering around the poetry of Jack Kerouac. Read more Trunks – On The Roof (2011)