Upon A Burning Body – The World Is My Enemy Now (2014)

Upon A Burning Body – The World Is My Enemy Now (2014)

Upon A Burning Body – The World Is My Enemy Now (2014) I’m not really into deathcore, but accidentally I saw the video of “Sin City” and it’s really a great song filled up with killer riffs, smart breaks and wickedly crafted hooks. So, it made me curious about their upcoming third and deadly album, “The World Is My Enemy Now”.
And “Red Razor Wrists” it’s just like a punch right to your face, leave no room for mistakes and take your breath away instantly. The smoothly incorporated scratches and electronics and the murderous guitars with the furious vocals of Danny culminating with a catchy chorus make this one to be the perfect opener and convinced me that Upon A Burning Body it’s a band worth to follow. Read more Upon A Burning Body – The World Is My Enemy Now (2014)

Karma Zero – Architecture of a Lie (2012)

Karma Zero-Architecure of a Lie-2012-COVER Metalcore it’s definitively epidemic this year. The scene is flooded by hundred (thousands?) of bands and most of them are really good in the butcheries they unleash. But still, too many band sounding almost the same, will bury the genre pretty fast. Identity Crisis? Hope not. Eventually all these youngsters must find their own sound and style or they will just simply disappear in the grind.
If the genre originate from the fusion of Extreme and Groove Metal with Hardcore Punk, after the mid 2000s, the new genre became popular and successful due to the breakthrough of bands such as All That Remains, As I Lay Dying, Bullet for My Valentine, The Devil Wears Prada and Asking Alexandria, most of them hitting the Billboard charts and sneaked up into the mainstream and opening the door widely for a whole generation anxious to prove themselves.
The French scene seems to be extremely receptive to the seeds of the new genre and one of the furiously blooming new bands are Karma Zero. “Next Time”, the leading single from their debut album sounds heavily furious and intense enough to grab the fans attention. Brutal and complex, Karma Zero kicking in the doors with their right foot! Read more Karma Zero – Architecture of a Lie (2012)

Beyond The Styx – Sloughing Off The Shades, EP (2012)

EP This is brutally good! Merging Deathcore with modern flavored Metalcore, but with solid roots back to classy and powerful Heavy Metal, this 5 piece band from Tours, France formed in 2010 are making their debut with a consistent 5 track plus intro EP. It’s almost like August Burns Red would play Manowar covers.
And Emile Duputié (vocals), Adrien Joulin (drums), Matthieu Dupou (bass), Mickey Martin (rythmic guitar) and Anthony Mateus (lead guitar) mention as influences bands such as: August Burns Red, The Ghost Inside, Lamb of God, Norma Jean, Pantera, Haste the Day, Chimaira, Hatebreed, The Bled, Every Time I Die, Emmure, The Acacia Strain, Comeback Kid, Cancer Bats, Trivium, All That Remains, etc.
Powerful, furious riffs, mainly death like growls and intense, pounding drums are the ammunition of Beyond The Styx and they gonna grind you into the ground. Read more Beyond The Styx – Sloughing Off The Shades, EP (2012)

Beyond The Styx – Between Scylla & Charybdis, video single

Beyond-The-Styx Beyond the Styx is a five piece Alternative Metal/Hardcore band from Tours (France), formed in October 2010, delivering a kind of hybrid between Deathcore & Metalcore. Their declared influences are bands such as August Burns Red, The Ghost Inside, Lamb of God, Norma Jean, and Pantera. Some really intense heavy s*it!!
Beyond the Styx are: Emile Duputié (vocals), Adrien Joulin (drums), Matthieu Dupou (bass), Mickey Martin (rythmic guitar) and Anthony Mateus (lead guitar).
“Between Scylla & Charybdis” it’s the band brand new video single, enjoy it! Read more Beyond The Styx – Between Scylla & Charybdis, video single

Caliban – Coverfield – EP (2011)

Caliban have released seven studio albums to-date, and two split albums with the band Heaven Shall Burn. The band was formed in Hattingen, Germany in 1997 under the name Never Again and after half a year of rehearsals and a two song demo, Lifeforce Records was the first to offer the band a record deal. Since, they toured and share the scene with bands including Morning Again, Earth Crisis, Cro-Mags, Slayer, Poison the Well, Hatebreed, Pantera, Machine Head, Biohazard, Morbid Angel, Bloodjinn, All Shall Perish, Bleeding Through, I Killed The Prom Queen, Kreator, Suicide Silence, Maroon, Emmure and After the Burial. Blending metal and deathcore, Calibian are a powerful, full of energy modern metal combo. Read more Caliban – Coverfield – EP (2011)

Catalepsy – Bleed (2011)

From Orlando, Florida strikes deadly for the second time Catalepsy. Formed back in 2004 and released their debut “Iniquity” in 2008, “Bleed” is the collection of their brand new 10 plus 1 death grinds. With passages that reminds me of Sepultura’s “Roots” (1996), this is a bloody, surprisingly brilliant album. Inspired and cutting riffs, pumping rhythmic constructions and shifts, raw vocals and killer grooves are melted into a modern, extreme and exciting metal witch blending perfectly hardcore and death metal into one. Rick Norman – vocals, Rob Walden (the only left founding member) and Matt Sutton – guitars, Sean Murphy – bass and Benjamin Sutton – drums, not only make another deathcore material, they found enough inspiration and technical resources to put together a brutally brilliant album. Read more Catalepsy – Bleed (2011)

Enough Has Been Said – Premonitions (2010)

Extrem de brutali, tehnici, dar şi coloraţi, Enough Has Been Said sunt o gaşcă din Mexic şi amestecă la modul cel mai fericit Hardcore furios cu elemente Metalcore, sonorităţi Death şi infuzii moderne, dar şi pasaje aerisite şi mici experimente progresive sunt înserate pe ici-colo în muzica lor.
Prea multe detalii n-am reuşit să dezgrop despre ei, în 2004 chitariştii Dario şi Gerardo au descoperit că împărtăşesc aceeaşi pasiune pentru Metal, având printre favorite nume ca Children of Bodom, Shadows Fall , Killswitch Engage, etc. Lor li s-a alăturat solistul Oswaldo ca-n 2005 componenţa trupei să fie completată de bateristul Alejandro şi basistul Alexis.
Acest „Premonitions” pare să fie albumul lor de debut şi cele 10 piese aliniate îţi smulg capul la propriu. Read more Enough Has Been Said – Premonitions (2010)

After The Burial – In Dreams (2010)

Am fost urecheat – prieteneşte – că „am trădat cauza” ( 😆 ) – a se citi Metal/Punk/etc – şi-mi caut „inspiraţia” în altă parte. Eu ascult muzică şi mă inspir din Soare. 😉 Prietenul meu glumea, dar cu siguranţă mulţi gândesc aşa la modul cel mai serios. Urmând principiul „ia de la…” – ştiţi voi cine -, îi scot pe tapet pe After The Burial şi acest al treilea lor album lansat ieri.
Băieţii din Minnesota au intrat în scenă în 2004 şi propun un amestec de Heavy Metal Progresiv, Hardcore şi Death Metal iar una din inovaţiile aduse este folosirea chitarei cu 8 corzi. Au construcţii complexe, cântă foarte tehnic, dacă vocea este brutală şi ritmurile alerte, incisive, chitarele aduc pe lângă riff-uri tăioase şi teme, pasaje armonice, melodioase.
Albumul de debut „Forging A Future Self” a fost lansat în 2006 pe cheltuială proprie, din 2008 au semnat pentru casa de discuri Sumerian şi sub sigla lor au scos următoarele albume: „Rareform” (2008), respectiv versiunea re-editată din 2009 „Rareform (Re-Issue)”.
În 2009 este adus un nou solist, Anthony Notarmaso, care este la fel de brutal şi consistent ca predecesorii săi, dar introduce şi pasaje mai melodioase (screamo), baza formaţiei constă în cei doi chitarişti Justin Lowe şi Trent Hafdahl şi basistul Lerichard “Lee” Foral iar la tobe îl avem pe Dan Carle.
Au fost în turnee alături de nume ca Disturbed, Killswitch Engage, Necrophagist şi Hatebreed, noul material este promovat în cadrul turneului american „December Decimation Tour” alături de Winds of Plague şi Carnifex.


Combinaţia aceasta de Heavy Progresiv cu elemente brutale Death Metal/Hardcore sună revigorant, dar are Read more After The Burial – In Dreams (2010)

Called To Arms – Peril and the Patient (2010)

Called To Arms – MySpace

Sincer, este prima mea intersectare cu americanii ce formează Called To Arms, dar acest „Peril and the Patient” ce urmează să fie lansat oficial în data de 10 august, este un material interesant care merită ascultat.
Trupa din oraşul Raleigh, Carolina de Nord, a fost înfiinţată în 2003 de Daniel Grissom – voce, clape;  Jamie Nickerson – chitară;  Zack Van Hoy – tobe şi Josh Philips – bas. Un an mai târziu se alătură formaţiei şi chitaristul Brady Sweat şi este scos şi primul material: „A New Life Given”.
Trupa abordează un amestec de Metal Progresiv cu Deathcore, dar nu ezită să experimenteze tot felul de sonorităţi din toată aria Metal-ului. Vocea foarte brutală, abordarea caracteristică pentru Death Metal este susţinută de instrumentaţie foarte complexă, scheme ritmice sofisticate, construcţii armonice, dar şi riff-uri extrem de brutale, adică o muzică destul de diversificată.
În 2005 trupa intră într-o pauză prelungită, revin abia în 2007 şi bateristul Zack Van Hoy este înlocuit de Grayson Sweat şi este scos al doilea disc: „The Last Lament”. Cele 27 de minute (5 piese) au fost imprimate încă din 2005 şi iniţial intenţionau să mai imprime şi alte piese ca materialul să fie un album complet, dar proiectul a fost abandonat şi discul a fost lansat în formă de EP.


„Peril and the Patient” se bazează pe romanul lui Clive Staples Lewis „The Screwtape Letters” Read more Called To Arms – Peril and the Patient (2010)