Thinking Plague – Decline And Fall (2012)

Thinking Plague - Decline And Fall [2012] Generally empires are have this fate of decline and fall and I honestly believe that the Music Industry it’s an empire – and for sure it’s in deep and profound crises.
When music is only a product, sometimes quite secondary one of an industry self-titled “music” industry and all those products are pretty boring, predictable and tasteless, but similar pieces, bands like Thinking Plague are quite rare birds in the gray panorama.
Inspired by avant-art rock bands like Arts Bears and Henry Cow, as well as by contemporary classical composers, Thinking Plague has earned an avid international following by forging a singular synthesis of prog-rock with 20th century classical, folk, and jazz.
Founded in 1982 in Denver by Mike Johnson and bass guitarist/drummer Bob Drake, Thinking Plague built its following the old-fashioned way, though word of mouth and recordings passed around by fellow musicians and fans. The band’s line-up was enforced by classically trained vocalist Sharon Bradford, keyboardist Harry Fleishman and drummer Rick Arsenault. Released their debut album, “….A Thinking Plague” in 1984 on their own Endemic label, and pressing only 500 copies of the LP, the band received national attention. Read more Thinking Plague – Decline And Fall (2012)

Florence and The Machine – Ceremonials (2011)

Florence Leontine Mary Welch came to the surface as a possible new Janis Joplin or Deborah Harry (of Blondie) back in 2009 and her debut album entitled “Lungs” was extremely appreciated by the media and the critics. But “Lungs” also was a commercial success, the album held the number-two position for its first five weeks on the UK Albums Chart and reached the top position, after being on the chart for twenty-eight consecutive weeks. The album has been in the top forty in the United Kingdom for sixty-five consecutive weeks, making it one of the best-selling albums of 2009 and 2010.
“Lungs” won the MasterCard British Album award at the 2010 BRIT Awards; at the 53rd Grammy Awards, Florence and the Machine was nominated for Best New Artist and the band performed at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards and the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Concert.
And here we go, Florence is back with her Machine to put us through the new ceremonials. Read more Florence and The Machine – Ceremonials (2011)

The Kills – Blood Pressures (2011)

Rawness and kind of retro polish with that garage indie touch, the forth album by The Kills have the same noise blues flavor which was cooked and licensed by Jack White with The White Stripes and re-invented with The Dead Weather. And while Alison Nicole Mosshart spend most of her time lately touring with The Dead Weather, it’s kind of natural the infusion of the style and sound from Mr. White. “Blood Pressures” is noisy, dirty, sounds like vinyl and I almost miss the sound of some nice scratches, but on the other hand it doesn’t have the tension of the late “Sea of Cowards”. This “hippies goes punk” approach it’s a winning recipe, but if there will be a million plus one similar products, every single record label will try to invent their “own White Stripes”, the whole shit will goes down just like any other good thing before.  Read more The Kills – Blood Pressures (2011)

Archive – Controlling Crowds (2009)

M-am tot foit (coit 😀 ), am ascultat mai pe sărite, mai pe îndelete tot felul de discuri scoase anul acesta și oi fi eu de vină, să dau vina pe primăvară, pe băieții care sparg cu pickhammerele asfaltul din spatele blocului sau pur și simplu să o las așa, dar nimic nu mi-a plăcut. S-a umplut raftul (sertarul) cu discuri de duzină, produse de doi bani, majoritatea nici descărcate (ilegal și „moca”) nu-și fac banii…Așa că am săpat în… arhivă. 🙂


Pe Archive Read more Archive – Controlling Crowds (2009)

Alternative: These New Puritans şi Los Campesinos!

A început ploaia (este duminică după-masa). Îmi place ploaia, uneori chiar rece şi mohorâtă. Ploaia mereu îmi dă senzaţia că spală mizeria, curăţă nu doar străzile, dar şi gândurile, uneori tulburi şi spală mizeria, o împinge în canale şi rămâne la suprafaţă doar ceea ce este curat, esenţa. Este o iluzie, un fir de pai de care stau uneori atârnat conştient că dedesubt nu este nici o plasă de protecţie şi prăbuşirea este iminentă.
Se lasă bezna peste cartier – de vreo două săptămâni nu mai funcţionează iluminatul public din spatele blocurilor – şi privesc reflexia luminilor din blocul de vis a vis în băltoace.

Elvis tocmai a părăsit clădirea… 🙂


Discuri multe înseamnă – din fericire – şi discuri bune. Am avut deja câteva albume de excepţie anul acesta şi suntem abia în februarie. Read more Alternative: These New Puritans şi Los Campesinos!