SuperCharger – Wrongside Of the Head (2013)

SuperCharger Wrongside Of the Head 2013 This is just bloody awesome! Think of The Wildhearts, Therapy?, Backyard Babies and Terrorvision, massive, powerful guitar riffs and huge, memorable, singable and melodious vocals. Somewhere between the punk rock fury and the glam rock flavour with heavy guitar riffs and catchy, pop fueled choruses, this Newcastle Upon Tyne, England based quartet fined a damn fine path to establish themselves. And best of all, this is a FREE RELEASE, so get your ass right now and grab it from HERE!
Formed in late 2007, the band released their debut EP “Smashing Up The Future” through indie label Nascar Records and played a huge amount of local and national incendiary live shows to support this EP. They have shared stages with the likes of Wednesday 13, Bullets and Octane, Sorry and the Sinatras and Eureka Machines, Ginger “Wildhearts” and friends.
“Wrongside Of the Head” it’s the perfect sonic molotov to bang your head off down at the club. On a payday night. Read more SuperCharger – Wrongside Of the Head (2013)

Eight of Spades – Driven by Hate

If somebody have no clue what Eight of Spades might be, please, just leave and forget about rock’n’roll.
I was ten years old when my mom bought “Ace Of Spades” – along Judas Priest’s “British Steel” – and Lemmy soon became my favorite and if a few years later it just happened to end up at the microphone in a rock band, well, it was mainly Lemmy’s fault. At the end of the 90s I managed to drink a beer with Mr. Kilmister after a Motörhead concert, but this is one of the cases when journalists have sometimes some privileges…
Eight Of Spades was formed in March 2004 by the meeting of 4 musicians playing for over ten years in various Parisian bands and from the beginning, the essence of 8oS was “speed-rock” music at the crossroads of punk, hardcore, metal and at least but not last rock’n’roll. Read more Eight of Spades – Driven by Hate

Murderdolls – Women and Children Last (2010)

În sfârşit un disc care sună bine de cum începe! (Şi sună bine cap-coadă!) Au trecut opt ani de la debutul cu „Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls” şi acest al doilea material de studio s-a lăsat aşteptat cam mult, dar se pare că a meritat. Discul care are titlul cu referinţă directă la clasicul Van Halen „Woman and Children First” (1980) sună mai de grabă ca un Marilyn Manson dezbrăcat de mantaua industrial şi împins în zona extrem metalică a Rock’N’Roll-ului. Horror Punk cum spun criticii. 🙂 Ascultând piese ca „Nowhere” sau „Summertime Suicide” mi-am amintit şi de probabil cel mai bun moment al celor din Motley Crue „Generation Swine” (1997).
Murderdolls practică un Punk’N’Roll simplu, minimalist, dezbrăcat la esenţă, dar de impact, vânjos, au melodii lipicioase şi riff-uri făţoase, o combinaţie letală.
Trupa lui Joseph Poole (aka. Wednesday 13) şi al lui Nathan Jonas Jordison – el fiind baterist şi cel numerotat #1 în trupa Slipknot – a făcut furori la debutul din 2002.
Proiectul a plecat ca o colaborare colaterală între Jordison – prestând la chitară – şi Tripp Eisen – chitară, voce -, aceştia întâlnindu-se în cadrul turneului Ozzfest în 2001, Jordison fiind în promovarea albumului „Iowa” cu Slipknot, Eisen cu gaşca s-a Static-X. Iniţial au denumit proiectul The Rejects ca ulterior să schimbe numele în Murderdolls. Jordison l-a recrutat pe Wednesday 13 din trupa Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13 la bas ca apoi să fie trecut la microfon şi a fost adus Ben Graves la tobe şi-n final Eric Griffin (ex- Synical) la bas.
Trupa a semnat cu Roadrunner Records şi-n 2002 este lansat EP-ul „Right to Remain Violent” ca în data de 20 august să fie lansat şi albumul de debut.
Gaşca a concertat şi a parcurs câteva turnee de promovare până pe 17 ianuarie 2004, moment după care Jordison şi-a concentrat atenţia şi energia asupra trupei de bază, Slipknot.
Trupa a fost promovată – evident – ca un proiect colateral Slipknot/Static-X, dar Read more Murderdolls – Women and Children Last (2010)