Zardonic goes metal again


Zardonic goes metal again Zardonic never kept secret his soft spot for metal. He had previously some noisy and contorted collaborations with several bad-ass metal artists and definitively he will keep having this kind of violent audio clashes. His powerful metal roots are clearly detectable on his early demos, early demos which also now are made available!
In the celebration of his 10th anniversary, Bass Metal overlord Zardonic has released three tracks in collaboration with Sweden’s metal prodigies, The Unguided (led by ex-Sonic Syndicate members), included in the limited edition of their most recent album “Fragile Immortality”. The tracks included are “When All The Seraphim Cry”, “Unguided Entity (Zardonic Remix)” and “Deathwalker (Zardonic Remix)”, featuring the voice of Hansi Kürsch, frontman of the legendary german heavy metal band Blind Guardian.
“Fragile Immortality” has been available in Europe since the 31st of January, and is available in North America today, February 14th, so you can celebrate your Valentine’s Day properly.
The label in charge of the album’s release is the legendary Napalm Records, who’s amazing roster includes Candlemass, Cavalera Conspiracy, DevilDriver, Grave Digger, Hate, Kampfar, Lacrimas Profundere, Legion of the Damned, Monster Magnet, Moonspell, Summoning, Tiamat, Tristania and Vintersorg, to mention a few. Read more Zardonic goes metal again

Celldweller – Unshakeable Official Video


Celldweller has released the Official Music Video for ‘Unshakeable’ from the album Wish Upon A Blackstar. Directed by Joshua Viola, author of award winning novel Bane of Yoto, as well as Celldweller’s book project Blackstar, ‘Unshakeable’ “showcases what DJing is going to look like a decade from now” – said DJZ. Read more Celldweller – Unshakeable Official Video

Not Only Bass, volume I – free download (2012)

Nu Doar Bas volume I “Nu Doar Bas” – meaning, Not Only Bass, it’s a free album with some of the best romanian producers (Vlad Onu, Alien Pimp, Dudawles, Archer, Dyl, Fane, Mighty Boogie, and Beepo) in drum and bass and dubstep, plus as a bonus a tune from Marginal (featuring Datacode and Alien Pimp). We’ve got 9 tracks, 51 minutes of pumping Glitch-Hop with some contorted wobbling and drops, a chilled, smooth, but electrifying mixture of subtle IDM textures and noisier, drum’n’bass flavored and sometimes dub and drumstep fueled, nowadays fancy contortions. All the tracks have their own sound and taste, although the compilation flows smoothly and flawless. This young producers managed to stay close to the trend with the sound, but simultaneously being creative and adding their own identity to these tracks.
This is just perfect for any worthy after-party and it’s for free, so, turn up the bass ( 😆 !!) grab it and enjoy it, have an awesome, Happy New Year! Read more Not Only Bass, volume I – free download (2012)

Celldweller – Wish Upon a Blackstar (2012)

Celldweller-Wish-Upon-A-Blackstar-2012 Klayton, the sole brain behind Celldweller, not only ignores genre boundaries and creates a pioneering vision of the future of electronic music, but he’s also an excellent and subtle songwriter. So, “Wish Upon A Blackstar”, he’s upcoming second full-length studio album, obviously it’s one of the most anticipated Electronic albums of the year. And Celldweller is one of the most reliable artists as well, the new 16 tracks album will satisfy all of his devoted followers – over 120,000 Facebook Fans and still counting – and eventually will bring him a brand new generation of fans. After all, Celldweller is considered “personifying the sound of the iPod generation”, and his hybrid music of digital and organic elements and the smooth, but highly explosive fusion of styles and genres, makes him extremely unique and charming. Read more Celldweller – Wish Upon a Blackstar (2012)

Commix – ReCall To Mind (2010)

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E ceva chill. Poţi privii norii pe geam, poţi să-ţi aprinzi o ţigară, poţi să-ţi pui căştile şi să zaci întins pe canapea. Nici după atâţia ani nu reuşesc să fac diferenţa între sub categoriile muzicii electronice şi de dans, Commix peste tot sunt etichetaţi Drum’N’Bass, dar muzica lor este mai mult relaxantă decât pulsantă, nu bubuie obsesiv-obositor, acest „ReCall To Mind” este un amestec de faze Trance, Rave, Trip Hop şi – fie! – Drum’N’Bass, sună proaspăt, colorat, viu. Decât să lipim cu scuipinol etichete tembele, vorba lu’ fi-meu: „mai bine un cântăcel” şi – zic eu – merită dată lehamitea la o parte şi dat un click pentru a vizita pagina Soundcloud a trupei unde pot fi ascultate mai multe piese.
La origine un trio – George Levings, Guy Brewer şi Conrad Whittle -, Commix s-a redus la duo-ul format din Levings şi Brewer, băieţii din Cambridge au semnat cu label-ul Metalheadz al lui Goldie şi au debutat cu albumul „Call To Mind” în 2007 urmat de Read more Commix – ReCall To Mind (2010)

Pendulum – Immersion (2010)

Gaşca australiană Pendulum practic este rezultatul unei coliziuni între două genuri diametral opuse. Pe de o parte Rob Swire (voce, sintetizatoare)  şi Gareth McGrillen (bas) provin din zona Rock şi au avut o trupă de succes Xygen, de partea cealaltă Paul Harding este un DJ consacrat. Rob şi Gareth au fost impresionaţi de piesa Drum’N’Bass „Messiah” a celor din Konflict şi asta i-a determinat să se orienteze spre acea zonă muzicală şi să-şi unească forţele cu Paul. Din formula actuală mai fac parte: Peredur ap Gwynedd – chitară, Kevin Joseph Sawka – tobe şi MC-ul Ben Mount.
Goldie le-a criticat single-ul „Granite”, numind-ul „a shit single” şi acuzându-i că nu cunosc scena Drum’N’Bass, dar asta n-a împiedicat trupa relocată în Anglia să devină unul din cei mai în vogă producători Drum’N’Bass.


Dacă pe albumul de debut „Hold Your Colour” lansat în 2005 elementele Electro şi Drum’N’Bass predominau, cu discul al doilea, „In Silico” scos în 2008 introduc tot mai multe elemente Rock şi Heavy Metal Read more Pendulum – Immersion (2010)

Subsource – Tales From the Doombox (2010)

Pe Subsource mi-ia „strecurat” UnSoricel – este oarecum firesc: este de la „ei” de acolo 😀 – şi ascultând „The Reason (Parasite)”, mi-am spus: Rage Against the Machine meets The Prodigy!


Miroase a instigare, bate vânt de revoluţie. Să nu zic şi eu vântul schimbării. Read more Subsource – Tales From the Doombox (2010)