Queensryche – Frequency Unknown (2013)

Queensryche – Frequency Unknown (2013)

Queensryche – Frequency Unknown (2013) And here it is, the new ‘ryche product, not really sure now if this is really the thirteenth Queensrÿche – honestly, I don’t think so – or the first album by Geoff Tate’s version of the ‘ryche – which seems more appropriate. Since I mentioned the war between the two sides of the band, the preliminary injunction lawsuit, disputing ownership of the band name, resulted in a verdict that allow both Tate and the other band members to use the band name until the next court date, scheduled for November 2013. The “other” half – actually 90% of the band – will release their album in June, although, the first single, “Redemption”, was released on March 25, 2013.
I know, generally speaking, the truth it’s somewhere in between, but this whole thing of Tate claiming the Queensrÿche name after he was the one who always was complaining about the metal content of the band and always tried to force his bandmates to leave behind the rock and metal roots and do “other” things, try different approaches and sounds, now smells pretty bad. And listening “Frequency Unknown” and the desperate struggle to prove that they are rock and metal and “true warriors”, make them look – and sound – quite ridiculous. I was curious why the hell Tate felt the need to re-record some classic ‘ryche tracks (I Don’t Believe in Love, Empire, Jet City Woman, Silent Lucidity) and his answer was shocking and cynical: “The money. The record company really wanted those for resale and licensing and all that kind of that stuff, so they said: ‘We’ll give you a lot of money for it.’ And so I said, ‘Okay, beautiful!’ They wanted them to sound, you know, as close as we could make them to the originals. And that’s what was really hard, was making them sound that way.” Well, the result it’s actually not so satisfying. Unfortunately, they managed to sound only as an imitation. Read more Queensryche – Frequency Unknown (2013)

Queensryche: War in the Ryche of the Queen

Queensrÿche fans might be confused lately and the fan base seems split into two. We’re in the strange situation of “which is which and who is who” having a Queensrÿche A and a Queensrÿche B, both sides accusing each other of the worst.
“Frequency Unknown”, the new Queensryche album it’s due to release on April 23 on Deadline Music/Cleopatra Records. Actually one of the new Queensrÿche albums, the other one have no title yet and it’s recorded by “another” Queensrÿche. Sadly, two quite different bands running with the same name in two different directions.
“Frequency Unknown” featuring original Queensrÿche vocalist Geoff Tate along with an entirely new – all stars kind of – line-up consisting of Read more Queensryche: War in the Ryche of the Queen

Queensryche – Dedicated To Chaos (2011)

Queensryche – Dedicated To Chaos (2011)

Queensryche – Dedicated To Chaos (2011) I cut the crap and I’m gonna tell you directly what to aspect: if you’re looking for a quality and quite exciting hard rock album, “Dedicated To Chaos” might just fit your taste. Those who still waiting for what actually meant till ’88/’90 (the genius “Operation: Mindcrime” (1988), respectively “Empire” (1990), well, maybe it’s time to accept that “this” Queensrÿche is not “that” Queensrÿche anymore and probably they will never be again. On the other hand, while I was absolutely disappointed by their previous effort, the quite pale “American Soldier” released two years ago, “Dedicated To Chaos” is an absolutely fair material, a mixture of hard and heavy schemes with maximum taste and the unquestionable skill of writing and playing of these guys from Seattle. Because it’s almost impossible to avoid comparison, it’s somewhere between “Promised Land” (1994) and “Empire” (1990) with a taste of experimental sounds from “Tribe” (2003). And I must say: this is far the best Queensrÿche album for almost two decades. Read more Queensryche – Dedicated To Chaos (2011)

Limp Bizkit, Queensryche and Saga live – Bucureşti 28.06.09.

„Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing, the chocolate starfish, and the hot-dog flavored water, Bring it on!”

2009 Jun 28 Concert 01 Read more Limp Bizkit, Queensryche and Saga live – Bucureşti 28.06.09.

Queensrÿche şi eşecul soldatului American

Queensryche – American Soldier

Queensryche – American Soldier Acum o săptămână m-a anunţat Alin: au scos Queensrÿche album nou. Şi pe mine m-a luat prin surprindere evenimentul şi am dat repede iama pe internet să văd despre ce este vorba.
Şi încă o surpriză: după concertul din vara trecută de la Arenele Romane, pe 28 iunie, trupa revine din nou la Bucureşti tot la Arene, dată confirmată şi de site-ul oficial al formaţiei! (De când cu ţeapa AC/DC, verificatul pe site-ul oficial, a devenit obligatoriu! 😛 )
Spre surprinderea mea plouă cu materiale Heavy Metal ale veteranilor: Yngwie Malmsteen, Saxon sau mai tinerii Black Label Society şi Hammerfall sunt doar câteva din numele care s-au prezentat cu albume noi.
Bun, dar să rămânem deocamdată la Queensrÿche  şi s-o luăm de la începuturi. Trupa a fost înfiinţată în 1981 la Bellevue, Washington (o suburbie al Seattle-ului) de chitaristul Michael Wilton şi bateristul Scott Rockenfield sub titulatura The Mob după o perioadă de rodare într-o formaţie care cânta prelucrări Cross + Fire. Lor li s-a alăturat chitaristul Chris DeGarmo şi basistul Eddie Jackson. Neavând vocal, au apelat la serviciile lui Geoff Tate, la aceea vreme membru al formaţiei Babylon. În această formulă este imprimat un demo ce conţinea patru piese şi trimis la casele de discuri însă fără nici un succes. Trupa Babylon se destramă, dar Tate care nu dorea să cânte Heavy Metal se alătură formaţiei Myth. Restul formaţiei decide schimbarea numelui din The Mob în Queensrÿche după titlul primei piese de pe demo, „Queen of the Reich” şi în urma unei recenzii extrem de pozitive din prestigioasa revistă Kerrang! scot demoul în formă de E:P. pe cheltuială proprie în 1983. În final primesc şi mult doritul contract de disc de la E.M.I. şi reuşesc să-l convingă şi pe Tate să se alăture grupului. Read more Queensrÿche şi eşecul soldatului American