Krokofant – Krokofant (2014)

Krokofant - Krokofant (2014)

Krokofant - Krokofant (2014) Kongsberg, a town located at the southern end of the traditional region of Numedal, is perhaps best known for being the home of Norway’s major defence contractor, Kongsberg Gruppen, formerly Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk. Two of its well known products were the Kongsberg Colt and the Krag-Jørgensen rifle. The latter was adopted in the late 19th century as the standard army rifle in Denmark, Norway and U.S.A.
Notable, since 1964, the town has hosted Kongsberg Jazzfestival, an annual international jazz festival where prominent world acts such as BB King, Diana Krall, Ornette Coleman, Joshua Redman and John Scofield have played in recent years.
Also, Kongsberg it’s the home of some prominent artists such as Morten Harket – the lead singer of A-ha; jazz pianist Morten Qvenild; jazz guitarist Ivar Grydeland and pianist Håkon Austbø – among many others. And while Oslo it’s proud of Shining, now Kongsberg have this murderous trio called Krokofant. Krokofant?
What can we expect from a band named after a bizarre mixture between crocodile and elephant? Definitively good stuffs! Read more Krokofant – Krokofant (2014)



Răul poate fi derulat înapoi? Ar fi bine – ce ironie! 😀 -, dar nu prea cred.

(Car Bombs for) Carlos Read more pistoletto!

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Vise – fantezii – legate de nuntă şi noaptea nunţii au mai ales fetele, dar şi băieţii. Wanda ne dezvăluie fantezia ei, a voastră care este? 🙂 Read more Cum îţi imaginezi nunta ta?