Liars – Mess (2014)

Liars – Mess (2014)

Liars – Mess (2014) Dance-punk? In the good old days when punk (rock) actually meant something, I mean more then a dress code or a hair style, dance-punk would be an insult or a blasphemy, but those days are long gone and the whole idea was diluted and our perception distorted. There is no more ideology, no moral concepts and generally, no content, substance in the music – and arts – generally.
But Liars it’s a completely different story!
If their previous album, “WIXIW” released in 2012 was a clear move into the electronic/synthetic area of the music, while some critics consider it the “most accessible album to date” by the band. “Mess” bring the experiments and sounds of its predecessor right up to the dancefloor. So, this is dance-punk, but in a very good sense.
And maybe this is not the album of the year – although I love it throughout -, the almost title track of the record, “Mess On A Mission” it’s so far, the song, the anthem of the year. Once you heard it, you can not get rid of it and you will have to sing/scream along: “Facts are fact and fiction’s fiction… A mess on a mission, Mess on a mission!!” Read more Liars – Mess (2014)

Does It Offend You, Yeah? – Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You (2011)

Three years I waited for the second DIOYY? album and now I can breathe realesed: it was worth it. The exuberant energy, the pumping life, their pulse that is entirely lacking in many other products lately, is still there and still alive . Maybe even edgy and crushing. The incendiary mixture of Dance Punk, Indie Rock, New Rave and Synthpop works flawlessly and this time, the boys delivered 10 excellent songs and a perfect album.
Established in Reading in 2006 by James Rushent – vocals, bass guitar, guitar, synthesizers and Dan Coop – synthesizers, the formula was completed with Rob Bloomfield – drums, bass, guitar, synthesizer, backing vocals, and  in 2007 the band was joined by Morgan Quaintance – guitar. Their debut album was released in 2008, and “You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Yourself Into” climbed to number 48 of the British album charts. Read more Does It Offend You, Yeah? – Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You (2011)

You Say Party! We Say Die! şi multe X-uri

Am deja câteva discuri şi din zona Punk lansate în 2010, dar deocamdată nu m-a dat pe spate nimic, n-am fugit după gel şi fixativ în baie, nici după spray cu vopsea roşie să-mi fac creastă. O să le adun şi am să le arunc în blender într-o dimineaţă sau fac o omletă… ha ha ha! 😛
Întâmplător m-am împiedicat de aceşti You Say Party! We Say Die! şi chiar dacă ultimul lor album este din 2009 – pare la o îndepărtare de ani lumină! ha ha ha! 😛 , mi s-a părut o gaşcă mult mai interesantă şi o oportunitate de a scrie despre ei… 🙂


Iniţial m-am gândit că sunt un fel de Sigue Sigue Sputnik fiind etichetaţi şi Dance Punk, dar canadienii din Britisch Columbia amestecă secvenţe New Wave cu Indie şi în persoana lui Becky Ninkovic au o solistă energică şi cu personalitate care are atuurile să capteze atenţia.
Au o poveste numai bună pentru presă: basistul Stephen O’Shea şi clăparul Krista Loewen fiind membrii în aceeaşi gaşcă de motorişti – “The Smoking Spokes”, în noiembrie 2003 fiind – evident! –  iarnă şi prea frig să te mai dai cu motoarele, s-au apucat să cânte împreună în pivniţa solistei Becky.
De aici până la completarea găştii cu un chitarist (Jason Nicholas, înlocuit ulterior cu Derek Adam) şi un baterist (Bruce Dyck, înlocuit şi el de Devon Clifford), la concerte prin cluburile locale şi la albumul de debut, „Hit the Floor” din 2005 calea a fost scurtă şi dreaptă. Read more You Say Party! We Say Die! şi multe X-uri