The World (take one)

The World

Acrylic on canvas.
20 x 30 cm (7.87 x 11.81 inch).
On sale.
If you are interested, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me:

[email protected]

Your support is crucial to continue my work.
Thank you!

The World card is often seen as completing the Fool’s journey. The ardent question is whether it is the final destination or a door to another dimension. Or, better said, what lies behind the unseen?
Spirituality is about Read more The World (take one)

Despre alegerile din 2024 partea 2

8 Decembrie 2024 este data turului doi a alegerilor prezidențiale, ziua confruntării dintre Elena Lasconi și Călin Georgescu.
Pentru cei care nu au ascultat sau citit prima parte, repet, vorbim strict despre context și energiile, vibrațiile externe care ne afectează interiorul, datorită faptului Read more Despre alegerile din 2024 partea 2

Tarot (2024 film)

TAROT (movie 2024)

Based on the 1992 novel Horrorscope by Nicholas Adams, Tarot is one of the most anticipated films in the Tarot community. Written and directed by Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg and co-written by the author of the book, the film stars Harriet Slater, Adain Bradley, Avantika Vandanapu, Wolfgang Novogratz, Humberly González, Larsen Thompson, Olwen Fouéré, and Jacob Batalon.
Produced on a budget of 8 million USD, the movie generated over 45 million so far.
Interestingly, the original title, Horrorscope, was changed to Tarot Read more Tarot (2024 film)

Esoteric Tarot – The Fool (book)

I am happy to announce that my new book is published and available!

You can get your copy exclusively from:

My name is Attila Kárpáthy, and I’m a tarotolog, mystic, occultist and mixed esoteric artist, writer, poet, painter, photographer, musician and cook from Transylvania. Transylvania with a “T” and not Pennsylvania with a “P” – as often people misunderstood. Still, I do not have werewolf cousins nor vampire aunts, I do not sleep in a casket, and I do not feed with fresh virgin blood or other Read more Esoteric Tarot – The Fool (book)

The Unified Esoteric Tarot deck



The Unified Esoteric Tarot deck is a standard 78 cards Tarot deck, resulted from 25 years of research, study and practice. I provide a modern instrument of prediction, self-exploration and self-development based on both the ancient teachings and modern psychology. Moreover, also an instrument of self-observation and self-remembering, based on to the teachings of I.G. Gurdjieff.
The main idea at the foundation of this deck was to reveal the hidden connection between all the branches of the esoteric sciences and provide a very intuitive instrument both for beginner and advanced Tarot practitioners. Read more The Unified Esoteric Tarot deck

Introducing the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck

Introducing the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck

Introducing the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck

The Unified Esoteric Tarot deck is a standard 78 cards Tarot deck, resulted from 25 years of research, study and practical experience of card reading.
The main idea at the foundation of this deck was to reveal the hidden connection between all the branches of the esoteric sciences and provide a very intuitive instrument both for beginner and advanced Tarot practitioners. Read more Introducing the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck

The four Aces (Tarot deck project)



For 25 years I am working on a book about the Tarot. Finally I’m very close to finish the project. Meanwhile I started working also on a board game based on the Tarot deck.
Originally I planned to use the traditional Reader-Waite-Smith deck, but ultimately I changed my mind and I decide it to create my own deck.
For several years I was trying to convince artists to create together a new tarot deck, but eventually I had to do it on my own. These are the four Aces. Read more The four Aces (Tarot deck project)

The Golden Tarot of Klimt by Atanas Alexander Atanssov

35 King of Wands The Golden Tarot of Klimt by Atanas Alexander AtanssovGustav Klimt (July 14, 1862 – February 6, 1918) was an Austrian symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Secession movement. Klimt is noted for his paintings, murals, sketches, and other objets d’art. Klimt’s primary subject was the female body; his works are marked by a frank eroticism.
Klimt’s ‘Golden Phase’ was marked by positive critical reaction and financial success. Many of his paintings from this period include gold leaf. Klimt had previously used gold in his Pallas Athene (1898) and Judith I (1901), although the works most popularly associated with this period are the Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1907) and The Kiss (1907–08).
Klimt travelled little, but trips to Venice and Ravenna, both famous for their beautiful mosaics, most likely inspired his gold technique and his Byzantine imagery. In 1904, he collaborated with other artists on the lavish Palais Stoclet, the home of a wealthy Belgian industrialist that was one of the grandest monuments of the Art Nouveau age. Klimt’s contributions to the dining room, including both Fulfillment and Expectation, were some of his finest decorative works, and as he publicly stated, “probably the ultimate stage of my development of ornament.”
In 1905, Klimt created Read more The Golden Tarot of Klimt by Atanas Alexander Atanssov

Prizonierul din camera 1403 (însemnarea nr. 3)


(„Incită-mă, răsfaţă-mă, să vină ceea ce trebuie să urmeze, ceea ce este acum a trecut de mult, dărâmă-i cu tandreţe amintirea…” Menyhárt Jenő)

Ca oricare autor care se respectă, cu un zâmbet ştrengar şi un gest nonşalant, am să rup şirul cronologic al poveştii mele, ţes o intrigă, trag puţin cu ochiul spre ultimele pagini ale cărţii ca un cititor nerăbdător şi curios, cu alte cuvinte: evadez puţin. 🙂

Ipostaza de evadat mă incită, da ştiu, mă răsfăţ acum, dar să vină ceea ce urmează, clipa care se naşte moare în secunda următoare, n-am să mă amăgesc cu amintiri!

Read more Prizonierul din camera 1403 (însemnarea nr. 3)