John 5 – Careful With That Axe (2014)

John 5 - Careful With That Axe (2014)

John 5 - Careful With That Axe (2014) Little wicked John is back and although he’s not playing with the matches, he’s guitar it’s on fire! I thought it’s his guitar, but just like that it might be an axe or a rifle as well – after all we’re living some strange and violent times!
Definitively John 5 is one of the most virtuoso and versatile guitarist of the modern rock/metal scene and he had a major contribution to the body of work of some influential artists such as Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie. “Careful With That Axe” it’s a guitar album, he’s sixth solo album following “The Art of Malice” released 4 years ago, but it’s a quality and enjoyable throughout album consist of 9 songs plus intro. Complex and technical guitar solos and chain-saw riffs are both deadly weapons in the arsenal of John 5. The music it’s a vivid mixture of neo-classical virtuoso moments with Malmsteen and Satriani resonances and wicked, heavy guitar riffs.
While “Flight Of The Vulcan Kelly” reminded me of “Flight of the Bumblebee” by Rimsky-Korsakov, the very next “Jerry’s Breakdown” it’s a bluegrass/country flavored acoustic rundown. You never know with John 5 what’s coming up next and that it’s truly wonderful! Read more John 5 – Careful With That Axe (2014)

Rob Zombie – Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor (2013)

Rob Zombie – Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor (2013)

Rob Zombie – Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor (2013) Mr. Zombie has sold over 15 million albums worldwide, and had six Top 20 hits on the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in the United States. His fifth album, “Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor” will be released on April 23rd, 2013, four days after the release of Zombie’s film “The Lords of Salem”. The horror film was written, produced and directed by Mr. Zombie, and starring his wife Sheri Moon Zombie.
“Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor” will be the first Rob Zombie album to feature drummer Ginger Fish (ex-Marilyn Manson, Martyr Plot, and Powerman 5000). Ginger replaced old-time Zombie drummer Joey Jordison who focuse on his own band, the Murderdolls. Matt Montgomery – better known as Piggy D. – guitarist in Wednesday 13 and bassist for Rob Zombie is here, just like guitar genius John 5 (ex- David Lee Roth and Marilyn Manson). With a solid band like this, you only can expect true monstrosities, isn’t it? And well, Mr. Zombie will not disappoint anybody. “Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor” is filthy, groovy, unforgettable, rock to the bone kind of industrial metal. Somewhere half way between Revolting Cocks, Pigface, White Zombie and Marilyn Manson, but with the totally unmistakable charm and perfume of Mr. Zombie. Actually, this feels like a The Doors album on illegal drugs and perfusion. And regarding the good old days, we’ve got a Grand Funk Railroad cover, now that isn’t so sweet? Read more Rob Zombie – Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor (2013)

John 5 – The Art of Malice (2010)

John 5 – The Art of Malice (2010)

John 5 – The Art of Malice (2010) „Unii n-are stare, domne!” Am scris anul trecut pe larg despre cariera lui John 5, cum acest vrăjitor al celor 6 corzi a ajuns de la Lita Ford la Rob Zombie trecând pe la David Lee Roth, proiectul Industrial 2wo al lui Rob Halford şi prin trupa lui Marlyn Manson şi am scris şi despre albumele solo şi „Remixploitation”-ul lansat anul trecut.
Anul acesta a fost lansat noul Rob Zombie „Hellbilly Deluxe 2” pe care John 5 şi-a impregnat simţitor aportul, dar se pare că i-a mai rămas energie şi i-au mai rămas suficiente idei şi pentru încă un disc solo, acest „The Art of Malice”. Read more John 5 – The Art of Malice (2010)

John 5 – Remixploitation (2009)

John 5 - Remixploitation

John 5 - Remixploitation Pe numele său adevărat John William Lowery, John 5 s-a născut pe 31 iulie 1971 la Grosse Pointe, Michigan şi conform celor spuse de el, a pus mâna pe chitară la 7 ani şi nu i-a mai dat drumul.
După ce a cântat între alţii şi cu Lita Ford, în 1996, John 5 a dat o audiţie pentru postul de chitarist al formaţiei Marilyn Manson, dar la acel moment a fost ales Mike (Timothy) Linton, devenit cunoscut sub pseudonimul Zim Zum.
În 1998 a debutat pe albumul 2wo (Two), proiectul controversat al lui Rob Halford produs de Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails). A fost momentul în care Halford a declarat că este homosexual şi s-a plictisit de Heavy Metal, fanii Priest n-au apreciat nici una din aceste declaraţii şi discul cu toate că este un material interesant, s-a bucurat de un succes moderat.
În acelaşi an, John 5 s-a alăturat ex-solistului formaţiei Van Halen, David Lee Roth şi a participat la compunerea şi înregistrarea albumului „The David Lee Roth Band”. Ulterior, în 2003 a mai compus o piesă pentru David şi albumul „Diamond Dave”, „Thug Pop”.
În timpul imprimării albumului „Mechanical Animals” Zim Zum părăseşte trupa Marilyn Manson şi prima opţiune pentru un nou chitarist a fost John 5. Riffurile lui colorează Read more John 5 – Remixploitation (2009)