Misfits – The Devil’s Rain (2011)

Misfits was founded in 1977 by singer and songwriter Glenn Danzig and the band disbanded in 1983 when Danzig went on to form Samhain and then Danzig. During this period, bassist Jerry Only was the only consistent members along Danzing, they released several EPs and singles and the albums “Walk Among Us” (1982) and “Earth A.D./Wolfs Blood” (1983), both considered touchstones of the early 1980s hardcore punk movement.
The success of Danzig’s post-Misfits’ work led to interest in his past work, and several high-profile rock bands professed fondness for the Misfits. Most notably, Metallica covered the Misfits songs “Last Caress” and “Green Hell” on “The $5.98 E.P.: Garage Days Re-Revisited” in 1987, and Guns N’ Roses covered “Attitude” on “The Spaghetti Incident?” in 1993. Several albums of reissued and previously unreleased Misfits material were issued between 1985 and 1987, the first being the compilation album “Legacy of Brutality” in 1985 which included many of the songs from the unreleased “Static Age” album. Danzig overdubbed many of the album’s instrument tracks in order to avoid having to pay royalties to the other former band members.
After a series of legal battles with Danzig, Only and Doyle (born Paul Caiafa) – the younger brother of the Misfits bassist who featured as guitarist of the band since 1980 – in 1995 the parties reached an out-of-court settlement that allowed Only and Doyle to record and perform as the Misfits, sharing merchandising rights with Danzig. Read more Misfits – The Devil’s Rain (2011)

Wednesday 13 – Calling All Corpses (2011)

“I Wanna Be… Cremated”. Sounds familiar? Well, if you’re into punk rock and The Ramones means something for you, it should.
Joseph Poole, better known as Wednesday 13 and mainly famous for his role as the frontman of the Murderdolls, are delivering his new solo material and it sounds exactly as the perfect blending of The Ramones and Alice Cooper. Horror punk? Eventually a twist of Misfits is mandatory and always part of the formula, but don’t take those horror things too seriously, this is dirty, good-old rock and roll and even the fake blood was replaced with humor. Just like “sedated” with “cremated”. 😀 Anyway, at the end we all gonna die, don’t really matter if we were good little boys and girls and avoided downloading this or that, isn’t it? Don’t looking for trouble: mp3 to mp3 and dust to dust! 😆 Read more Wednesday 13 – Calling All Corpses (2011)

Murderdolls – Women and Children Last (2010)

În sfârşit un disc care sună bine de cum începe! (Şi sună bine cap-coadă!) Au trecut opt ani de la debutul cu „Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls” şi acest al doilea material de studio s-a lăsat aşteptat cam mult, dar se pare că a meritat. Discul care are titlul cu referinţă directă la clasicul Van Halen „Woman and Children First” (1980) sună mai de grabă ca un Marilyn Manson dezbrăcat de mantaua industrial şi împins în zona extrem metalică a Rock’N’Roll-ului. Horror Punk cum spun criticii. 🙂 Ascultând piese ca „Nowhere” sau „Summertime Suicide” mi-am amintit şi de probabil cel mai bun moment al celor din Motley Crue „Generation Swine” (1997).
Murderdolls practică un Punk’N’Roll simplu, minimalist, dezbrăcat la esenţă, dar de impact, vânjos, au melodii lipicioase şi riff-uri făţoase, o combinaţie letală.
Trupa lui Joseph Poole (aka. Wednesday 13) şi al lui Nathan Jonas Jordison – el fiind baterist şi cel numerotat #1 în trupa Slipknot – a făcut furori la debutul din 2002.
Proiectul a plecat ca o colaborare colaterală între Jordison – prestând la chitară – şi Tripp Eisen – chitară, voce -, aceştia întâlnindu-se în cadrul turneului Ozzfest în 2001, Jordison fiind în promovarea albumului „Iowa” cu Slipknot, Eisen cu gaşca s-a Static-X. Iniţial au denumit proiectul The Rejects ca ulterior să schimbe numele în Murderdolls. Jordison l-a recrutat pe Wednesday 13 din trupa Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13 la bas ca apoi să fie trecut la microfon şi a fost adus Ben Graves la tobe şi-n final Eric Griffin (ex- Synical) la bas.
Trupa a semnat cu Roadrunner Records şi-n 2002 este lansat EP-ul „Right to Remain Violent” ca în data de 20 august să fie lansat şi albumul de debut.
Gaşca a concertat şi a parcurs câteva turnee de promovare până pe 17 ianuarie 2004, moment după care Jordison şi-a concentrat atenţia şi energia asupra trupei de bază, Slipknot.
Trupa a fost promovată – evident – ca un proiect colateral Slipknot/Static-X, dar Read more Murderdolls – Women and Children Last (2010)