Lepers production from Itali it’s a free net label, we share weird music for free since 2005. They promote them self as the best free net label and it might be quite possible. But what I’m absolutely sure is that I love both Gli Putridissimi and Panzanellas and the positive madness they dislocate and spread around.
Gli Putridissimi it’s an experimental project from Bari which combines black metal with jazz. Hard not to love the rough insanity they deliver. But – for some probably surprisingly -, they manage to bring to the surface also memorable melodies and some pretty addictive grooves. They have a kind of friendly acid/psychedelia/space rock vibe from the 70’s mixed with modern grooves and non-conformity. We’ve got 4 track here, not a careless walk through the park on a sunny Sunday noon, but really exciting for those who love the unlimited experiments. “Chepleri celesti” it’s quite an addictive track with some tribal/ritualic flavor, like a hurricane it’s just simply take you away. “Distanze ragguardevoli” have a kind of space rock resonance with fluorescent analog flavors and baroque sounds. “Spazio più che infinito” have a distorted bass riff at its foundation and a documentary type of voice lead you throughout. Interesting and sinister ambiance.
Panzanellas it’s not about pizza as some may imagine, but it’s a crazy Italian experimental band based in Firenze. I wrote about their second EP in January, can find and read the post here. As I said, Panzanellas are grinding on the borderline between free jazz and avant-garde/experimental rock. Heavy beats, contorted and twisted out guitars with tumultuous, crazy saxophone solos throughout. And they only getting better and wilder! Fra it’s unleashed and restless blowing the saxophone, the grooves and beats are hypnotic while the guitar know both to scream and deliver some grinding riffs. My favorites from their set this time are “Spataro loves that tiny tail” and “Far East”. “Betti walking galaxies” it’s almost a melancholic trip if you had enough drinks before.
Now I know, madness have its dark corners. No one get out from here alive. Not even Betti who walk galaxies.
Gli Putridissimi and Panzanellas know about the forthcoming treath and so they chose to team up against the horde of Comets coming on our sky. This Bari-Firenze Axis, using pressing drones and geometrical horns, will try to keep far away: asteroid 2013 YL2, Quadrantids, Ison, Panstarrs C/2012 K1, 209P/Linear, Oukaimede, Draconids, Orionids, Leonids, Geminids and destroy Sliding Spring on Mars.
Space is a scary place, full of dangers and closer than we think. When mad pieces of a comet will catch you this album will not save you.
Grab Comete from Bandcamp for free. Name your price – how cheap you are?
Gli Putridissimi at Facebook
Gli Putridissimi at Bandcamp
Contact: gliputridissimi@gmail.com
Panzanellas @ Facebook
Panzanellas @ Bandcamp
and more wild stuffs here.