Nanowar of Steel – A Knight at the Opera (2014)

Nanowar of Steel - A Knight at the Opera (2014)

Nanowar of Steel -  A Knight at the Opera (2014) I have written about this Italian band long-long time ago, true in a different language, can find that article here. Their brand new – and third – album it’s the same brilliant and hilarious. Putting metal and gay in the same sentence would be blasphemy and an unforgettable sin some years ago, but since Rob Halford publicly came out as gay in 1998, things are changed… We’ve got gay metal ever since! 😆
How much true gay flavor or how much deep irony it is in Nanowar, it’s impossible to see clearly from this distance, but actually it doesn’t really matter while the outcome it’s so brilliant.
Formed in 2003, called simply Nanowar at first, the band added “of Steel” to their name to parody fellow Italian band Rhapsody’s name change to Rhapsody of Fire. So, here we go, their third album recall the classic 1975’s Queen album title, “A Night at the Opera” and it’s called in the Manowar’s heroic-epic manner “A Knight at the Opera”. Released on 23 February 2014 , and the album features some old tracks re-recorded and some new ones. It is sold as a CD + DVD, including Nanowar’s live performance at the True As Steel festival in Buelach, Switzerland, October 2007. Read more Nanowar of Steel – A Knight at the Opera (2014)

NanowaR of Steel – Into Gay Pride Ride (2010)

NanowaR of Steel – Into Gay Pride Ride (2010)

NanowaR of Steel – Into Gay Pride Ride (2010) Mişto faci, mişto găseşti. E o vorbă de-a mea, da’ se pune.
E grav rău şi de tăvăleală! Ştiu, ştiu, ştiu! Probabil cu excepţia lu’ Frank Zappa, „roacării n-are umor”. Nu când vine vorba de Metal şi/sau trupa lor favorită. Mai ştiu că foarte mulţi ciumpalitici şi ciupacabre au pus botu’ anul trecut la faza cu Geoană preşedinte, vin minerii, se întorc comuniştii cu Iliescu-n frunte, etc, exact cum mulţi rockeri au pus botul şi la faza cu „True Metal”. Şi asta-i la fel ca scena politică mioritică: unii-s mai de dreapta sau mai de stânga (după caz sau… interes de moment) ca ceilalţi şi-n fapt sunt varză (o apă şi-un pământ) toţi. Metal „adevărat” şi… mai puţin adevărat. Dar să revin la umor. Pe americanii din Manowar poţi să-i iei Read more NanowaR of Steel – Into Gay Pride Ride (2010)