In a world where everyone trying so hard to be “post” something, anything, it is refreshing to find an album, a band, which is something pure, simple and straight. In this case angry Hardcore, in the very charming old school way, directly from the kidneys, incisive and powerful.
Joshua Smith, Jesse Menard and Patrick Murphy pick up where Last Lights left off, and on this “Grief” we’ve got 17 very concise and convincing tracks. Interestingly, we have actually four pieces of “Denial”, 3 pieces of “Anger”, 3 pieces of “Bargaining”, 4 pieces of “Depression” and 2 of “Acceptance”. Exciting approach.
The songs have a duration from 46 seconds up to 2 minutes and 29 seconds. Very well done.
Excellent material, It’s been years I guess since I didn’t heard something good as this in it’s gender.
Parts of extremely rapid passages are tempered by parts with moderate tempos, the slower parts given the right contrast for the maximum impact of the fast and brutal explosions. A few noisy passages, small experimental infusions gives the right touch of color in addition, Mountain Man is definitely a band to remember and follow.
Only the name is slightly an unfortunate choice, there’s also an American Folk band with the same name and with some success, so…