Sandwiches Deconstructed and Organized Neatly On Vintage Lunch Trays by David Schwen

Sandwiches Deconstructed and Organized Neatly On Vintage Lunch Trays by David Schwen

Artist David Schwen has a way of using minimalism, incorporating everyday objects, and making the end result so awesome that it hurts.
Schwen’s recent “How To” series is a perfect example of this. Created for The Daily Share, the series takes a few well-known sandwiches and lunch items, breaks them down into parts, and presents them segmented on a vintage lunch tray. Read more Sandwiches Deconstructed and Organized Neatly On Vintage Lunch Trays by David Schwen

Carved Skeletal Creatures by Maskull Lasserre

Carved Skeletal Creatures by Maskull Lasserre

“The history of these well worn things holds the potential for surprising outcomes. The jeopardy, animation, delicacy and decay, that has slept in the wood through all its prior use and purpose is revealed through my work. My hope is not to illustrate the details of incidental carved motifs, but to reveal the mystery, and the potential for risk and wonder that waits in the untouched wood.” Read more Carved Skeletal Creatures by Maskull Lasserre

Experimental photography by Christoffer Relander

Experimental photography by Christoffer Relander

“As a photographer I am captivated to explore the world through a filter. Life can be beautiful, but the imagined always absorbs me.
Photography to me is a way to express and stimulate my imagination. Nature is simply the world. With alternative and experimental camera techniques I am able to create art that otherwise would only be possible through painting or digital manipulation in an external software. My goal as an artist is to be true to who I am, and aim to create art that will stay around for its good cause. Read more Experimental photography by Christoffer Relander