Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy

Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy

Located in the heart of the Sassi, the hotel is 60 km away from the Bari airport and 250km away from Naples.
Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy

Restored from the abandoned and decaying ancient caves in the Basilicata village of Matera in Southern Italy, Sextantio The Civita Caves offers guests the opportunity to re-evaluate their interpretation of authenticity. Daniele Kihlgren, the Swedish-Italian entrepreneur, hotelier and philanthropist, spearheaded the campaign to resuscitate the caves, breathing new life into them while honouring and highlighting the lives previously spent dwelling in their depths.
Situated in the proverbial arch of the Italian boot, Matera is not a village widely known by foreigners as it has been historically impoverished and therefore entirely localised. The importance of maintaining the traditional local aesthetic and preserving the existing architecture is thus intensified in this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kihlgren and his partner, Margaret Berg, have created 18 impeccable rooms in La Civita, the oldest part of the sassi, composing a concoction of integrated traditional design made from local materials with minimalist contemporary amenities where necessary. In order to provide its guests with proper standards of luxury, the site was meticulously taken apart, entirely wired and piped and finally reassembled with each stone replaced in its original location. The result is an unparalleled marvel of beauty providing a truly once in a lifetime experience. (

The hotel resides in Sassi di Matera, an old town on the southern part of Italy. If you are looking to spend a night in this beautiful dwelling, there are 18 rooms available all year, and depending on what time of year you are looking to get away, expect to spend anywhere from €100 to €700 per night.


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Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy
Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy
Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy
Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy
Sextantio The Civita Caves hotel in Italy


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