Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

The artist John Holcroft is a well-known illustrator who creates brilliant satirical illustrations in a retro style reminiscent of adverts from the 1950’s.

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

Satirical Illustrations by John Holcroft

His illustrations are focussed on subjects which highlight social issues and modern-day problems. It’s the subject matter that separate images like these from other artists as they provoke thoughts that can ultimately lead to change.
He takes on social media, big tobacco companies, utility services, and even pop culture icons to show us that we’ve grown accustomed to companies shoving things down our throats, like the need to be liked, the need to look a certain way, and the need to conform.

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