Ice-Creams Paintings by Iraqi artist Othman Toma

Ice-Creams Paintings by Iraqi artist Othman Toma

Ice-Creams Paintings by Iraqi artist Othman Toma

Iraqi artist Othman Toma creates these paintings using melted ice-creams. If you look at his site he usually draws with pencils or paints with watercolours, these paintings are proof that you can produce art in a variety of unconventional ways. There are some out there that say that these paintings, could not have been painted with the ice-creams, Othman says that, that is what he used as his paint, maybe next time he should do a time lapse video to prove them wrong. Read more Ice-Creams Paintings by Iraqi artist Othman Toma

Street art in Er-Riadh, Tunisia

Street art in Er-Riadh, Tunisia

Street art in Er-Riadh, Tunisia

Everywhere you turn in Er-Riadh, there’s art. It’s everywhere. The ancient village on the Tunisian island of Djerba, has spent the last several months of high summer being slowly transformed from a sleepy, traditional little corner of North Africa that has never heard of street art, into a world stage for one of the most vibrant and ambitious street art projects ever imagined. Read more Street art in Er-Riadh, Tunisia

Chalk art from Columbia college of art

Chalk art from Columbia college of art

Two college students from Columbia college of art and design are creating quite a mess, but not in the literal way, they are being talked about in the entire school. They don’t steal or cheat, instead they create a creative riot, they call themself Dangerdust and every week they sneak into a classroom and create a masterpiece out of nothing but chalk.
Its not surprise that the pair are seniors in advertising and graphic design and they are most likely swamp with home work and studies, but they still find the time to do their weekly chalk art, the two creates the most amazing art pieces you will ever see. Read more Chalk art from Columbia college of art